The Art of Communication

Communication is an art. When we’re attempting to get our message out to others, it’s as though we start with a giant blank canvas and we then begin to paint a picture, any picture we desire.

Now, most people assume that when painting a picture, they have only a few basic brushes at their disposal. But the experienced artist knows there are many tools available to create their masterpiece, and they use each to their advantage.

The same is true with communication. There are many tools available to you as you communicate. You just have to be aware of them and then use them purposefully. The better you become at using these tools, the better you’ll be at communicating.

We look at communication in a number of ways but primarily split into two sectors. Like the human brain which is split into two hemispheres — left is analytical and right is creative.

We split our communication into active and passive models.

Communication is an Art. Art is Communication — we stimulate emotion through many media to create a communicative reaction.


The words we carefully use are often what we are instantly judged by. Hence the reason why we have to ensure that our words are crafted to be logically understood, and clear and concise in delivery. Our words can often be seen like the paint we apply to a canvas, or the notes to a well crafted piece of music.

When planned and structured in a concise and restrained manner, they can create a colourful and rich effect that will stimulate an emotive and memorable response.

The words we use can help stimulate immediate and lingering reactions with your customers that will make them inquisitive for more.

The physical tools that we build, print and distribute have to be strong and instantly understandable.


There is the saying, “a picture tells a thousand words”. However, is the picture we are painting the right picture of we want our customers to see?

We assess the core concept of any brand and work with our creative team to create imagery that stimulates the mind and engages thought.

The visual aspect of any marketing campaign has always been and will always remain one of the most prolific and compelling aspect of our brand messaging.

We do ensure that the continuity of what we are saying and what reaction we stimulate visually, both cohesively deliver the same common goal.

Visually we are leaving a footprint which in our customers mind is a repository and memory to constantly remind them of the potential our brands can offer.

In todays connected community, it is the same principles we use, whether it is a print piece, audio/visual or electronic medium.

By bringing both sides of the brain into action, our techniques deliver the message that your brand needs to strike at the forever changing and constantly learning world we live in.

Life imitates Art, more than Art imitates Life.
— Oscar Wilde

Oscar Wilde said “Life imitates Art, more than Art imitates Life”. Today, if we take this thought and look at the way fashion and buying habits are stimulated through social media, magazines and influenced based marketing, it becomes apparent that life truly does imitate art. This is not a new technique, as if we recourse back to history we can see for example how Mondrian influenced so many things in our lifestyle today. From architecture to fashion it is apparent that by engaging the mind and creating memorable evocative creativity it is no different to the way we look at the innovation curve in todays classic marketing academic model.

Social Media is an art form so cleverly adopted in today’s marketplace and illustrates how a viral piece of video or image can stimulate and influence purchases long after the customer has engaged with the piece .

These are all forms of the Art of Communication and at Still Creek Communications we know how to harness this approach and work in line with you to create and develop the next game changer for your brand. To communicate, innovate, create and secure a brand communication model that truly reflects your brand’s potential.